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PowerShell Framework

The project dedicated to empowering your PowerShell scripting.

Project Reference File


When iterating on a project, it can be tiring to have to manually set the meta information each time.

With the Project Reference File, you can place a file in your working folder for your project template and have it automatically detect settings.


The File

The file must be named PSMDTemplate.ps1 and must be located in the root folder / reference path.

The content

The file must be a powershell script without syntax errors that returns a hashtable.

Example content:

	TemplateName = 'PSFProject'
	Version = ""
	AutoIncrementVersion = $true
	Tags = 'module','psframework'
	Author = 'Friedrich Weinmann'
	Description = 'PowerShell Framework based project scaffold'
	Exclusions = @("PSMDInvoke.ps1") # Contains list of files - relative path to root - to ignore when building the template
	Scripts = @{
		guid = {
		date = {
			Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
		year = {
			Get-Date -Format "yyyy"
		guid2 = {
		guid3 = {
		guid4 = {

As you can see, it has several properties of some interest:

Name Description
TemplateName The name of the emitted template. Replaces the need to specify -TemplateName when calling New-PSMDTemplate
Version The version number to set for the template.
AutoIncrementVersion If the template already exists, and the specified version is lower than or equal to the current template, increment the latest version by 1 for the new template
Tags This sets the Tags property on the template. Templates can be searched by tags, there is no other implicit functionality here.
Author The author of this template
Description Adds a description to the template
Exclusions List of files - relative to the root - that will be ignored when building the template.
Scripts List of registered, named scriptblocks. Those will be executed when invoking the template, their results will be available for insertion under their name. For more details on ScriptBlocks, see The guide to working with scriptblocks

Creating a project template that contains a reference file

Once the reference file is created, simply call it like this:

New-PSMDTemplate -ReferencePath "C:\path\to\template\folder"

Since all the meta information was specified in the reference file, no further information is necessary. Note: The reference file itself is never part of the template itself.


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Version 1.0
Written on: 2018-03-08
Updated on: 2018-03-08