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PowerShell Framework

The project dedicated to empowering your PowerShell scripting.

Configuration Options for the Template System


Describes the configuration options available to Template users


Like many other components of the PSFramework project’s modules, the template system depends on the configuration system.

To detect all settings, run this:

Get-PSFConfig PSModuleDevelopment.template.*
    Module: psmoduledevelopment

FullName                                               Value                Description
--------                                               -----                -----------
psmoduledevelopment.template.binaryextensions          System.Object[]      When creating a template, files...
psmoduledevelopment.template.identifier                þ                    The identifier used by the temp...
psmoduledevelopment.template.outpath                   .                    The path where new files & proj...   Friedrich            The default value to set for th...  MyCompany            The default value to set for th...             C:\Users\Friedric... Path to the default directory w... C:\Program Files\... Path to the templates shipped i...

Binary Extensions

Name:    psmoduledevelopment.template.binaryextensions
Default: '.dll', '.exe', '.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.xls', '.xlsx'

Files it knows not to try to parse. When creating templates, files with these extensions will be included as raw bytes, no parameter replacements will be performed.

This configuration setting has only effect when creating a template, not when generating files or projects from it (as at that point the decision on how to process these files has already been made).


Name:    psmoduledevelopment.template.identifier
Default: þ

The identifier is the character/string used by the template system to detect and insert variables / scriptblocks.

This configuration setting has only effect when creating a template, not when generating files or projects from it (as at that point the decision on how to process these files has already been made).

The identifier can be a single character or a multi-character string. The identifier sequence may not occur in templated documents except as a way to identify variables and scriptblocks to insert into it.


Name:    psmoduledevelopment.template.outpath
Default: .

When generating a file or project, this is the default path where the generated file or project is created.

The default . implies the current directory, but any legal path is supported.

Default Parameter

Name:    psmoduledevelopment.template.parameterdefault.*
Default: author = $env:USERNAME
Default: company = "MyCompany"

When generating a file / project from a template, that template may contain parameters/variables to insert into the files created.

When no parameter is specified as part of the function call, then …

It is thus possible to avoid having to retype the same information again and again.

Users can freely create new default parameters, simply by creating new settings following the same naming pattern.

Template Stores

Default: default = "$env:APPDATA\WindowsPowerShell\PSModuleDevelopment\Templates"
Default: PSModuleDevelopment = "<moduleroot>\internal\templates"

Template Stores are paths in which template files are stored.

It is possible to add any number of them, allowing the user to easily share templates with team mates or include project specific templates in the project source and still access them as easily as other templates.

Changing Settings

These settings can be changed, by using the Set-PSFConfig command. Example:

Set-PSFConfig psmoduledevelopment.template.identifier '||'

Creating new settings (e.g. to add stores or default parameters) works exactly the same way.

Persisting Settings

After having applied changes to some of these settings, you may wish to make sure those settings persist across more than the current powershell session.

There are two ways to do this:

Example for using Register-PSFConfig:

Register-PSFConfig -FullName psmoduledevelopment.template.identifier


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Version 1.0
Written on: 2018-03-10
Updated on: 2018-03-10