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Path Parameter Classes

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The set of parameter classes about the path system, serve to validate and resolve file system path inputs. They vastly simplify path processing inside of your commands.


Usually, when accepting a path - in order to process input files for example - we need to ensure the path(s) provided actually exist and are of the expected type (e.g. file or folder). Then we need to resolve each path, which might resolve to multiple files or folders which we then need to safely enumerate. Example:

function Get-FileContent {
	param (

	foreach ($entry in $Path) {
		try { $resolvedPaths = Resolve-Path -Path $entry -ErrorAction Stop }
		catch {
			Write-Error $_

		foreach ($resolvedPath in $resolvedPaths) {
			if (-not (Test-Path -Path $resolvedPath -PathType Leaf)) {
				Write-Warning "Not a file: $resolvedPath"

			# Do Something

If we also want to support -LiteralPath then this becomes so much more complex. with this parameter class, the same code however can be condensed to …

function Get-FileContent {
	param (

	foreach ($filePath in $Path) {
		# Do Something

Adding support for -LiteralPath is no harder:

function Get-FileContent {
	param (


	foreach ($filePath in $Path + $LiteralPath) {
		# Do Something

Creating a new file

Sometimes we need to provide a path to a file that does not yet exist - for example, let’s say our new command needs to write a report file somewhere. In that case, the folder should already exist, but the file usually would not. In the previous example however, we require the file to already exist!

For this scenario, there exists the [PsfNewFile] parameter class, which allows for a file to not yet exist, so long as the parent folder does:

function Export-SystemReport {
	param (
		[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

	# Do Something
	# ...

	$results | Export-PSFClixml -Path $OutPath

Being Lax

One of the concerns with the new approach, is that any bad input will fail the command during input validation. There is no inherent ability to just skip it and move to the next item.

For this, each path parameter class other than the [PsfNewFile] variant comes with a “-Lax” variant. This will accept all input without error.

Instead, this variant will have a FailedInput property, listing all the input items that were either not a file or did not resolve to anything:

function Get-FileContent {
	param (

	foreach ($entry in $Path.FailedInput) {
		Write-Warning "Could not resolve as file: $entry"

	foreach ($filePath in $Path) {
		# Do Something

The different types

There are 9 different parameter classes that fall under this category:

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