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The project dedicated to empowering your PowerShell scripting.

Logging to: Splunk

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Setting up logging

For logging to Splunk, you first need to create an http listener.

Once that has been taken care of, you can register the logging thus:

$paramSetPSFLoggingProvider = @{
    Name         = 'splunk'
    InstanceName = 'MyTask'
    Url          = 'https://servername:8088/services/collector'
    Token        = '<Token>'
    Enabled      = $true
    Wait         = $true
Set-PSFLoggingProvider @paramSetPSFLoggingProvider

Splunk Cloud service

Logging to the cloud version of Splunk works exactly the same way - configure the listener, then register it with the hostname of your cloud instance: 'https://instance-hostname:8088/services/collector'

The SSL Thing

On default Splunk instances, you can - and probably should - use https, not the unencrypted http. However, default installations - including the cloud service - do not contain a trusted certificate. If you cannot make it trusted, you can have the logging provider ignore it thus:

$paramSetPSFLoggingProvider = @{
    Name         = 'splunk'
    InstanceName = 'MyTask'
    Url          = 'https://servername:8088/services/collector'
    Token        = '<Token>'
    IgnoreCert   = $true
    Enabled      = $true
    Wait         = $true
Set-PSFLoggingProvider @paramSetPSFLoggingProvider

Generating Messages

You can write messages using the Write-PSFMessage cmdlet, which functionally replaces Write-Verbose, Write-Host, Write-Warning, Write-Debug or Write-Log:

# Verbose
Write-PSFMessage -Message "Test Message"

# Host
Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Message visible to the user"

# Debug
Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Very well hidden message"

# Warning
Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Warning Message"

You can also add tags for better filtering:

Write-PSFMessage -Message "Tagged Message" -Tag special, custom, whatever

Specify the target you are working against to better track actions relating to that specific target:

Write-PSFMessage -Message "Doing something" -Target $ComputerName

For more details on how to generate messages, see the dedicated documentation page

Logging Provider Documentation

For more detailed docs, see the full documentation for the splunk logging provider

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