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PowerShell Framework

The project dedicated to empowering your PowerShell scripting.

Logging to: Console

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Setting up logging

Logging to the console will interfer with your interactive console experience. This provider is meant for use in CI/CD environments!

For messages written to screen in interactive situations, look into using visible-by-default Message Levels.

This command will configure the logging:

Set-PSFLoggingProvider -Name console -Enabled $true -Style '%Message%' -Wait

When now generating messages:

Write-PSFMessage -Message "Test Message"

The text shown on console will be:

Test Message


Each available placeholder starts and ends with a “%”. Available Placeholders:

Message The message that was actually logged
Time The time the message was written at in “HH:mm:ss.fff” format. E.g.: “14:12:47.453”
Date The date the message was written at in “yyyy-MM-dd” format. E.g.: “2021-01-17”
Tags The tags that were part of the message. E.g.: “error, failed, connect”
Level The level the message was written at. E.g.: “warning”
Module The module that wrote the message. E.g.: “PSFramework”
FunctionName The function that generated the message
Line The line number in the file from which the message was written
File The file path from which the message was written

A few example Styles and what the output would look like:

%Time% %Message%

14:02:08.229 Test Message
[%Level%] %Message%

[Warning] %Test Message
%File% : %Line%`n  [%Level%] %Message%

C:\scripts\demo.ps1 : 14
  [Verbose] Test Message

Generating Messages

You can write messages using the Write-PSFMessage cmdlet, which functionally replaces Write-Verbose, Write-Host, Write-Warning, Write-Debug or Write-Log:

# Verbose
Write-PSFMessage -Message "Test Message"

# Host
Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Message visible to the user"

# Debug
Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Very well hidden message"

# Warning
Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Warning Message"

You can also add tags for better filtering:

Write-PSFMessage -Message "Tagged Message" -Tag special, custom, whatever

Specify the target you are working against to better track actions relating to that specific target:

Write-PSFMessage -Message "Doing something" -Target $ComputerName

For more details on how to generate messages, see the dedicated documentation page

Logging Provider Documentation

For more detailed docs, see the full documentation for the sql logging provider

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