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PowerShell Framework

The project dedicated to empowering your PowerShell scripting.

Configuration Import


Describes how configuration values are being imported.


Automatic Import

When importing the PSFramework - not the configuration defining module - it will automatically import persisted configuration settings:

The specific order of precedence in ascending order of precedence:

  1. Configuration File: ProgramData
  2. Registry: HKLM (Default Value)
  3. Configuration File: AppData
  4. Configuration File: LocalAppData
  5. Registry: HKCU (Default Value)
  6. Registry: HKCU (Enforced Value)
  7. Registry: HKLM (Enforced Value)

This means a setting defined in the configuration file in LocalAppData will take precedence over a setting defined in the configuration file in AppData, but be superceded by a default value specified in HKCU.

For the specific locations used, refer to the persistence location documentation. Also note that on Linux and MacOS, all registry locations are unavailable, as these platforms do not support registry data.

Other means to import configuration.


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Version 1.0
Written on: 2018-05-23
Updated on: 2018-05-31